Finding The Best Website Designer For You

So you are looking for website designers for your Small Business?

Do you start with a search on Google, and then simply go for the first on the list?

They are a big name, first on Google, and so design the best websites right?!


This simply means they have used search engine optimisation to get their website to rank number 1.

What it doesn’t mean is that their customers websites are optimised correctly for search engines.

Find out how you should go about finding the best website designer for your small business by reading out step by step guide below.

Gary Evans | Quillations Affordable Website Design
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Website Designers For Small Business

How To Choose A Website Designer For Your Small Business

So you run a small business, and are in need of a website to help you grow your online profile.

You could have gone for a “create your own website for free” package, but have gone for the sensible option.

You want a website designer to take care of it for you.

Of course you do!

Time is money, and you want to spend your time working on your business – not designing a website!

So you have searched for a website designer to do the work for you.

And low and behold, you have a list of some big names on the front page of Google.


They appear on the first page, so they are the best.


You click on the first link, are taken to a website designer, and you request a quote.

Perhaps you may compare the top 3 website designers for small business and get 3 quotes?

And this is when you choose who has the best quotation.

But this is where many people go wrong.

Yes, price is important when you are a small business. 

And yes, you want to go for those website designers who show up on the first page.

But this shouldn’t be what you base who you choose on.

Read on to see Quillations step by step guide on how to choose a Website Designer for your Small Business, so you don’t have to redesign your site time and again.

Don’t want to read?

Then watch our summary video below:

Step 1: Recommendations on a Small Business Website Designer

Before you run a search for website designers for small business, you should always ask for recommendations.

  • Go on to Facebook and use their nifty little “looking for recommendation” tool.
    Someone will always be willing to send you links to Facebook Pages of designers.

  • Go on to Twitter (X) and Tweet the message “can anyone recommend a website designer”.
    Make sure you add hastags to this so people can find your tweet.
    You will always get replies from companies who can help you out!

  • Ask friends or family.
    Word of mouth is powerful in business, and even if they haven’t used a website designer before, they may well know someone who has. 


Make sure you write down all of these recommendations you receive from everything / everyone.

This will give you a list of potential companies to choose from.

Step 2: Look at their Social Media Accounts

The next stage is to take this list, and check out their Social Media activity.

By doing this, you will see who is more pro-active in Social Media, and if they have any special offers etc.

It will help you see how they interact with their customers, and also show their reviews.

Social Media is huge these days, and people always seem to be honest when it comes to their online reviews.

But don’t be put off if their following is not large, or they have no reviews.

Website designers like myself tend to be independents.  

We are small fish, fighting against the larger companies within the small business website design sector.

But it doesn’t mean we are not as good – if not better – than them.

It simply means we don’t have the staff to do our social media posts for us, and spend the majority of our time looking after our customers!

Step 3: Gather their Portfolio

Some of the website designers for small business will have their website portfolios on their sites.

Some may be on request only.

But out of the list of potential website designers you have, anyone who will not be willing to let you see some examples should be taken off of your list straight away!

Once you have gathered their Portfolios, try and find one website which they have designed which is similar to the one you wish to have.

The idea of this, is so you can see a rough “like for like” comparison.

If they have already built a website like the one you want, then you know they can build it!

But don’t worry if they haven’t.

Just choose a website you like the look of instead!

The reason it is important to have a list of websites which have been designed by your chosen companies, is so you can compare them against each other.

Remember: Just because a website looks good, doesn’t mean it functions as it should.

Step 4: Run Background Website Checks

You now have a list of designers, and a list of websites which are similar to the one you wish to have designed for you.

The next step is to see if these websites are fully optimised.

These things are the most important for any website, and are the basics in which a good website designer should be implementing as standard.

There are 3 main things you should check to see if a website has been designed and make well:

  • How well optimised is the website for the search engines?

  • Is the website speed fast whilst loading?

  • Is the site Mobile Friendly?

By visiting the GTmetrix | Website Performance Testing and Monitoring website, you will be able to find out what you need to know.

You can also ask Quillations for a Free Website Health Check on any of these websites, and we will send you comprehensive reports on each of them.

Step 5: Request A Quotation

By now, you should have a breakdown of website designers who are (possibly) the best.

Using this list of website designers, it is now that you should check on the cost. 

Drop your designers an email, or fill in their online contact form, and enquire about how much a website will cost.

Once you have sent of your requests, you should wait until you have received them all back.

Just remember to make sure you know what they are offering for your money.

For example:

  • One may offer Hosting and a Free Domain Name
  • Another may offer Hosting but no Domain Name
  • And one may offer neither

Quick Tip!

If you receive a quotation really quickly, it should raise a few alarms to you.

Has the designer asked you any questions before sending a quote?

Are they really looking to see if what you are after is the best for what you need?

Those who take their time to send you a quote, are the ones who really look at what you are after.

A decent website designer should be honest and open with you, and help guide you on the best website for your business.

After all, they should know what works for small businesses!

Step 6: Review your Quotations

Now you have your Quotations, delve in to what you are NOT receiving from them, and work out the costing.

So say you need to purchase Hosting – then find out how much that will cost.

Say you need to purchase your Domain Name – get the price.

Now add everything together, and you have the TOTAL cost of what using that website designer for your small business will cost you. 

Then you need to break it down in to Monthly and Yearly costs.


Because for 1 designer, you may need to pay £800 to get your website, but then it will only cost you £50 per Year after that.

Yet another designer may cost just £100, but your Monthly cost thereafter will be £60 UNTIL THE END OF TIME!

Just because it may be cheap to start with, doesn’t mean it will stay that way!

Always break the costs down.

Step 7: It's Time To Choose your Website Designer!

You now should have a list of website designers for small business who create well built websites, and have a Yearly or Monthly costing for each.

All that is left to do now, is to pick which one is suitable for your needs!

Who was the most honest, and gave you advice?

Who is the best value for money?

One thing on this: Don’t be put off by the cost.

And don’t always go for the cheapest option!

Some independent designers will probably go above and beyond what you pay for.

I know we do at Quillations!

If the best website designer on your list is the most expensive – you can see why!

Common-sense and personal preference is the key to deciding who to choose for your website designer. 


NEVER just jump in and go for the biggest name.

And NEVER go for the cheapest until you work out a yearly cost, as it may cost you more in the long run.

You should ALWAYS study the results from the tests as well.

These show you that the website designer knows how to BUILD and website, and not just make it look good!

Oh – and don’t forget Quillations for your quotation!

I hope my suggestions will help you in finding the right website designer for your business.

Is the cost higher than you expected?

Then speak to us – there may be something we can do for you!

Contact Quillations Today!

Do you want to receive a quotation on your website design from an Award Winning company with great costs?!

Then drop us a message today!

See what Quillations can do for you.

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      About Gary Evans

      Coming from a customer service background, and managing a large magazine account in London, Gary knows how to treat customers right.

      Designing website is a huge passion for him, and he is always checking his customers websites to ensure they are all working correctly.

      Gary always goes out of his way to help his customers, and always goes above and beyond.

      Are you in need of a Website Designer?

      Hi, my name is Gary Evans and I love nothing more than making websites look and function as they should.

      Will you be my next client?

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