Professional And Affordable Website Redesign Services

Enhancing your existing website to modern standards

Why would you need a professional website redesign if your site already looks good?

Well looks are not everything when it comes to designing a website!

Yes, a site needs to look pleasing to the eye.

But if your website is not built for the search engine, then your competitors will end up out-ranking you.

And if your user experience is poor, you have no chance of ranking!

Find out how Quillations can help you solve your existing website issues today.

Business Website Redesign to Fit Your Budget

Affordable solutions to grow your business

Just like anything in life, things can become old and obsolete.

This is no different to your website.

After a few Years or so, your site can become outdated due to new techniques and enhanced features which are available.

This is where it is a good idea to keep your website refreshed from time to time.

Quillations can help you redesign your current offering, and help make it modern.

And we do all of this at a cost which is affordable for all!

What Do You Get with Your Redesign?

All included as standard

Custom WordPress Design

Quick Turnaround

Responsive Website

Latest Trends

Search Engine Optimisation

Your Website Redesign Process

From start to finish

Before we can start with your small business website redesign, Quillations needs to run a website health check.

This enables us to get to know what improvements are required, and what is working well.

Our check looks to see if your website is mobile friendly, fast, and optimised.

We will check every landing page to see how they function, and if improvements to layouts may help.

Your business website redesign will be based on the results we find from your current site.

If something is working well, then we have no need to change it!

We take this information, and then run the same checks on your competitor(s) website.

By comparing these results, Quillations can create your bespoke website redesign strategy.

We Redesign Your Current Website

Helping increase usability and visibility

The main reason for a website redesign will be because customers cannot find you over your competition.

Once we have a better understanding of how your website functions, we can start your website redesign strategy.

We will ensure that all SEO is up to standard, and that your site functions and looks great!

This will be across both desktop, tablet and mobile devices, for a fully responsive site.

We also change your website to WordPress if you haven’t already got it.

Our professional service is fast and reliable, and we will always show you the improvements based on statistics.  

We use WordPress as our CMS (content management system), as it is one of the most simple platforms to use.

It gives us more freedom, and is one of the most popular website builders used.

We will enhance your landing pages, add call to action buttons, and ensure your user experience is second to none!

Showing You How We Have Improved Your Website

A professional website design isn't just for the looks

Although we will improve the look of your website, the main area we look at is the functioning of your site.

Once we have your health check and have redesigned your site, we run the same checks again.

This shows our customers exactly what we have done to improve your site.

After all, what is the point in redesigning a site if it hasn’t been improved?!

Our changes should help with your conversion rate, getting you more visitors to your site.

Small business websites need organic results to help grow, and we ensure that with your website redesign project, we help with this.

If your site isn’t up to our own standards, we will aim to get it there as quickly as possible.

We pride ourselves on our ability to improve websites better than the corporate website design companies.

By using Quillations, you are guaranteed to get the professional website redesign you deserve at an affordable price.  

Website Redesign : FAQs

Your redesign questions answered

Are you finding that you are being pushed down the search engine rankings?

Is your site a few Years old?

Have you had any website maintenance done and it isn’t improving anything?

Then it is time to redesign your website!

If it is done correctly, you should see improvements to your CTR (click through rates), and an improvement in rankings.

Quillations cannot comment on other companies, but our costs are around 5% less than others.

As the majority of your current website content should still be valuable, we do not see why it shouldn’t be used.

Because we can re-use a lot of your current site, we charge less!

Contact us today to get your website redesign quotation.

A website redesign takes your site, and improves the look and functionality.

It looks at speed and optimisation as it’s main objectives.

A website refresh is more basic.

It looks at things like improving aesthetic looks like images and logos.

If your site is working well, then this may be what you require.

Ask Quillations, and we can point you in the right direction for your needs.