Small Business SEO Packages

Making you stay ahead of your competition

Quillations affordable SEO packages are designed to help you with your local business.

Our competitive prices suit all budgets, and are designed to make your life easier.

Search Engine Optimization is not a quick process.

It takes time and effort to build, monitor, and edit any campaigns.

By using choosing a Quillations SEO Package, we will take this hassle away from you, and help your business climb the rankings. 

Welcome To Quillations

Your one-stop solution for all your digital marketing needs

As a small business owner, you understand the importance of having a strong online presence.

With millions of businesses vying for the attention of potential customers online, it can be challenging to stand out.

That’s where we come in!

We offer affordable SEO packages and other digital marketing services that can help your business thrive online.

Our SEO Packages for Small Business

What can you expect in our packages?

We understand that small businesses have unique needs when it comes to SEO.

That’s why we offer SEO packages that are tailored specifically to the needs of small businesses.

Our packages include everything you need to improve your website’s search engine optimisation, from Keyword Research to Local SEO and Technical SEO.

Keyword Research and On Page SEO

Technical SEO

Local SEO

Google Analytics

Keyword Research and On-Page SEO

The foundation of any successful SEO campaign is keyword research.

As experts, we will work with you to identify the keywords that are most relevant to your business and incorporate them into your website’s content.

We’ll also optimise your title tags and meta descriptions to improve your website’s visibility in search engine results pages.

Technical SEO

We’ll perform technical SEO to ensure that your website is optimised for search engines and is easy for users to navigate.

This includes adding Schema Markup to each website page on your site.

Local SEO

If you’re a small business with a physical location, local SEO is critical to your success.

We will work to optimise your website for local search, including creating and optimising your Google My Business profile.

Google Analytics

We believe in transparency when it comes to our SEO services.

That’s why we include Google Analytics in all of our SEO packages.

This powerful tool allows you to track your website’s traffic and see how users are interacting with your site.

We’ll also provide you with regular reports* so you can see the progress of your SEO campaign.

*Website maintenance required

Search Engine Optimisation Packages

A package to suit every need

At Quillations, we do not believe in getting you stuck in a contract for our services.

Once you have chosen your package, we will charge a one off fee, complete the tasks outlined, and inform you of what we have done.

Then, after around 4 weeks, we will send you a report of how our changes have affected your website.

Should you wish for us to continue to monitor your website, you can purchase a separate Maintenance Package – again, for a one off fee.

A lot of other companies will tie you in to a contract to help you receive traffic to your website.

Quillations will not do this, as we have had several customers who were trapped in contracts they couldn’t get out of, and were receiving nothing of value.

We pride ourselves on our SEO skills, and have helped many different companies with their organic search results. 

No one can ever guarantee your website will be on Page 1 of Google, but what can be guaranteed is that Quillations will try our hardest to get you there.

And we do all of this, at an affordable price

SEO Start Up Package

The Small Business SEO starter package for you

Our starter package is ideal for those who want their Home Page to be noticed!

By concentrating on your main page, Quillations will help get more traffic to your website by analysing what your competition are doing, compared to you.

We will then research the best keyword to help achieve the best organic reach for you.

Quillations finds that once a potential customer has found your Home Page, they will then help your other pages rise within the organic search results.

Package Cost: £140.00

Initial Review and Analysis
  1. Website Analysis
  2. Competition Research
  3. Keyword Research

On Page Optimisation
  1. Internal Page Analysis x1 page
  2. Title Tag Optimisation x1 page
  3. Meta Tag Optimisation x1 page
  4. Headings Tag Optimisation x1 page
  5. Images Optimisation x1 page
  6. Schema Markup x1 page

Online Tools Set Up
  1. Google Analytics and Webmaster set up
  2. Bing Analytics set up

SEO Business Package

And ideal SEO package for a 4 Page Website

Quillations Business SEO Package is perfect for companies who offer different services.

For example: You may work in the double glazing industry, offering window repairs and door repairs.

If you optimise your website just for windows, people who actually want doors will not find you!

What we will do, is take 4 of your websites most important pages, and optimise each one according to our keyword research.

By enhancing your SEO efforts on different pages, you will be found by the right people,, and help draw traffic to your website.

Package Cost: £440.00

Initial Review and Analysis
  1. Website Analysis
  2. Competition Research
  3. Keyword Research

On Page Optimisation
  1. Internal Page Analysis x4 pages
  2. Title Tag Optimisation x4 pages
  3. Meta Tag Optimisation x4 pages
  4. Headings Tag Optimisation x4 pages
  5. Images Optimisation x4 pages
  6. Schema Markup x4 pages

Online Tools Set Up
  1. Google Analytics and Webmaster set up
  2. Bing Analytics set up

SEO Business Package with Local SEO Set Up

Our complete SEO package for small business

Local Search Results are a huge boost for companies.

When you search on Google or Bing, just after the first set of adverts which appear are the map listings.

This is an ideal spot to try and get to the top of the maps listing.

And by purchasing our Local Search Package, not only will we make sure 8 pages of your website are optimised, but that your map listing is as well.

By getting to the top of these maps through the organic search results, you are more likely to receive enquiries. 

Package Cost: £900.00

Initial Review and Analysis
  1. Website Analysis
  2. Competition Research
  3. Keyword Research

On Page Optimisation
  1. Internal Page Analysis x8 pages
  2. Title Tag Optimisation x8 pages
  3. Meta Tag Optimisation x8 pages
  4. Headings Tag Optimisation x8 pages
  5. Images Optimisation x8 pages
  6. Schema Markup x8 pages

Online Tools Set Up
  1. Google Analytics and Webmaster set up
  2. Bing Analytics set up

Local Search Set Up
  1. Google Maps / Google My Business Set up
  2. Bing My Business Set Up

SEO Business Package with Social Media Set Up

Quillations complete SEO package

When it comes to Social Media, not every platform will fit.

Twitter can work well for some, but not others.

By purchasing our Social Media Set Up Package, will will take a look into your competitors social media marketing strategy, and see what platforms they use.

We will then be able to set up and optimise this platform for your business, including pointers on how to get the most out of each one.

We will only choose the platform(s) which will help drive traffic to your website.

Quillations does not offer Social Media Marketing, but are able to optimise your own efforts to gain better results.  

Package Cost: £1100.00

Initial Review and Analysis
  1. Website Analysis
  2. Competition Research
  3. Keyword Research

On Page Optimisation
  1. Internal Page Analysis x8 pages
  2. Title Tag Optimisation x8 pages
  3. Meta Tag Optimisation x8 pages
  4. Headings Tag Optimisation x8 pages
  5. Images Optimisation x8 pages
  6. Schema Markup x8 pages

Online Tools Set Up
  1. Google Analytics and Webmaster set up
  2. Bing Analytics set up

Local Search Set Up
  1. Google Maps / Google My Business Set up
  2. Bing My Business Set Up

Social Media Set Up
  1. The best platform(s) for your business Set Up

Why Choose Quillations for Your SEO Needs?

Because it makes sense!

At Quillations, we understand that there are many SEO agencies and SEO companies to choose from.

But we believe that our personalised approach and dedication to our clients set us apart.

We’re committed to providing affordable SEO packages and other digital marketing services that can help your small business succeed online.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you improve your online presence.

Search Engine Optimisation is Not a Quick and Instant Solution

It takes time to build an SEO campaign

Quillations cannot guarantee a Page 1 Google Ranking – just like any other company.

But what we can guarantee you, is that we will make sure your website is optimised to allow it to climb the rankings.

And if you purchase one of our Analytics Packages as well, we will be able to make sure your website will continue to thrive.


Your optimisation questions answered

Search engine optimisation is what is used to allow the search engines to “organically rank” a website.

If implemented correctly, by using SEO techniques your website will eventually start to climb the rankings on Google and Bing.

It is a free way of improving the chances that your website will be found by potential customers, and gain you more visits – and sales! 

PPC, if you have the budget, is a good way of getting your website to be listed at the top of the search engines – but is what I call a “quick fix”.

By implementing SEO techniques throughout your website, you will have a far better chance of “staying” on page 1 of Google.

SEO is a far more cost effective way of gaining valuable customers.

While there is no way to guarantee your website will rank on the first page of Google, by implementing a good SEO strategy and monitoring results, it will give you the best chance to get where you want.

It isn’t an easy or quick solution, but far outweighs other “paid-for” solutions to get a long-term gain.  

Unfortunately Link building isn’t something which Quillations thrives in, so it isn’t offered to our customers.

We do however, add links to your website through our Blog Page, and Social Media sites, helping get your name out there.

Order Your Search Engine Optimisation Package

Let's start growing your organic reach

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