How To Choose The Perfect Domain Name

There are many reasons as to why you shouldn’t rush in to choosing the perfect domain name.

In this article, we will tell you the 5 things to consider, before you purchase.

Read on, and you will get the best domain name to represent you and your business / blog.

Gary Evans | Quillations Affordable Website Design
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Before You Start To Choose Your Perfect Domain Name

The main thing you should do before you choose the perfect domain name for your website, is to write down a list of words and sentences.

These should be reflective of your business or blog.

For example:
If your business is called “The Great Big Shop Of Everything”, and you literally sell everything – this is your first sentence.

From this, start brain-storming different ideas which are related to your business name and what you do.

For example:
“Purchase Everything”
“The Big Shop”
“The Shop Of Everything”
“Get Everything”
“Buy Anything”
etc etc etc….

You can even try to think of merging words together like I did!

Quillations started off as “Quality, Illustrious, Creations“!

Once you have this list of ideas, move on to the steps below to help narrow down your perfect domain name.

Step 1: Make Sure Your Domain Name Is Easy To Type And Remember

There will be nothing worse for your customers than having a long-winded domain name to type into their browser.

Imagine having to type in “thegreatbigshopofeverything” every time!

Customers will not be able to direct any leads to your site, as it will be far too difficult to remember!

By making your domain name short and easy to type, it will mean more referrals from others.

Step 2: Avoid Any Hyphens And Numbers

People can misunderstand hyphens and numbers within a domain name.

If you tell someone that your url is “the-great-big-shop-of-everything”, it will be pronounced as “The hyphen great hyphen big hyphen shop hyphen of hyphen everything”!

Also, if you have a number in your domain name like 5, customers may misunderstand if this is the actual number 5, or the spelling of five!

And with this misunderstanding, you may lose out on a potential client.

Domain Name Search

Step 3: Keep It Memorable

With many millions of websites out there, by having a memorable domain name will help you stand out.

By now, you should have a short, easy to type name in mind.

Something along the lines of “BuyItAll

This literally comes from the fact that your business sells everything, and your customers can “Buy It All”!

Now you need to decide if this is memorable enough for people to tell others about.

Make sure it is catchy, and you are on to a winner!

Step 4: Use An Appropriate Domain Extension

The domain name extension is the suffixes at the end of your domain name.

For example, .com or .net.

If you are based in the United Kingdom, and only want to aim your website to those in the UK, then a suffix may be useful.

However, the most popular by far is the .com extension.

Most people who browse the Internet will automatically put .com at the end of a URL out of habit.

Not sure which one will work for you?

Then order both!

All you will need to do, is re-direct one domain name to the other.

Step 5: Purchase Your Domain Name

You now have your domain name “buyitall“, and your suffix of .com

All that is left for you to do, is purchase your domain name!

Want to know how much your domain name should cost?

Then come and view our blog post on how much it costs to build a website.

It will give you an insight into what you should be paying.


By simply putting the effort in, you should get yourself the perfect domain name for your business.

If you rush into your domain name, add a load of numbers and hyphens, and simply make it too long – you will suffer.

Your name should represent your business, be easy to remember, short, sharp and relevant.

So if you have a long-winded business name, shorten it for your URL.

Good luck!


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About Gary Evans

Coming from a customer service background, and managing a large magazine account in London, Gary knows how to treat customers right.

Designing website is a huge passion for Gary, and he is always checking his customers websites to ensure they are all working correctly.

Gary always goes out of his way to help his customers, and always goes above and beyond.

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