Build Date: 25.09.2020
Domain Name:
Brief: To update an old website design, and to give on-going website maintenance
Number of Pages: x4 pages

Gary Evans | Quillations Affordable Website Design
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Quillations Main Objectives

Harpenden Autos Website

Redesign Existing Website

1) Enhance the existing design
2) Make mobile responsive
3) Improve website speed

Provide Website Maintenance

1) Ensure plugins are updated
2) Keep track of keywords for new ideas
3) Monitor Google and Bing Analytics

Who are Harpenden Autos?

Harpenden Autos are a small, family run business based in Luton.

They specialise in the service and repair of German branded vehicles.

Their company objective is to provide their customers with an exceptional level of service, at a more reasonable price.

What Did We Do?

Harpenden Autos original website design was not too far off the design it is now.

The client was happy with the existing site, but it wasn’t functioning as it should.

Quillations started from scratch to reproduce the website in WordPress, ensuring everything was matched.

Once the site was ready, we checked each aspect of the design.

We found out that the slider on the home page was not functioning, so upgraded to a different plugin.

There was not really a consistent flow through the website on the original design which required some work.

By merging different pages together and linking these internally, we found the User Experience (UX) improved.

The next thing we concentrated on was the SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).

Although the site had been live for several Years, the SEO was not up to scratch.

Quillations re-worded a few sentences to include new keywords, and made sure each page was enhanced.

This website is now ranking in the Top 10 for relevant keywords.   

Interested In Discussing Your Project?

Do you have a website project in mind?

We are always happy to help, so please use the contact form to email us.

Thank you. 

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      About Gary Evans

      Coming from a customer service background, and managing a large magazine account in London, Gary knows how to treat customers right.

      Designing website is a huge passion for him, and he is always checking his customers websites to ensure they are all working correctly.

      Gary always goes out of his way to help his customers, and always goes above and beyond.

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      Are you in need of a Website Designer?

      Hi, my name is Gary Evans and I love nothing more than making websites look and function as they should.

      Will you be my next client?

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