Build Date: 25.09.2020
Domain Name:
Brief: To create a brand new website for a new company, and provide website maintenance
Number of Pages: x2 pages

Gary Evans | Quillations Affordable Website Design
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Quillations Main Objectives

Khalsons Windows & Doors Website

Design and Create New Website

1) Use company colours throughout
2) Crisp and clear design
3) Call to action buttons to gain clients

Provide Website Maintenance

1) Ensure plugins are updated
2) Backup website weekly

Who are Khalsons Windows & Doors?

Khalsons Windows & Doors are a new installations company based across the UK.

They cover several different areas, and have over 15 Years of experience.

Although they are a new business, they have the skill and knowledge to bring with them.

What Did We Do?

Khalsons windows & doors were happy for Quillations to take the lead on the website.

They provided links and brochures from the companies they use, to help us understand what they are after.

The first job for us was to create a logo for the business.

We had guidelines to adhere to, and after a couple of tweaks, the final design was completed.

The next stage was to get the basic layout of the site.

Quillations researched the companies competition, and went with a more crisp and clean design for their site.

With an opaque “hero” image as the backdrop, we utilised the green colour the company wish to have on their page.

This “above the fold” design was used on each page, edited for each different section.

We used a lighter green to highlight different areas of the website.

On the windows and doors pages, we used the images provided as a slideshow.

These are linked to by buttons for user-experience.

Once we had the layout and images sorted, we moved on to the text.

Using basic, low-searched keywords, we created the content for the site.

The reason for these low-searched keywords, is to slowly build the visits to the website.

If we used too competitive keywords, the site would not get the visitors it requires to climb the rankings.

By going for long-tail, low-competition keywords, we give the site a chance to be found amongst the crowd. 

Once the final design and layout was signed off, the site was made live.

At this stage, Quillations ran our background checks for speed and performance.

The site comes out on top, and is rated as an A+ and within the required sectors for what Google look for.

By making sure the site is fast and fully optimised, their is no reason Khalsons Windows & Doors site cannot climb the rankings within the coming Months.

Interested In Discussing Your Project?

Do you have a website project in mind?

We are always happy to help, so please use the contact form to email us.

Thank you. 

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      About Gary Evans

      Coming from a customer service background, and managing a large magazine account in London, Gary knows how to treat customers right.

      Designing website is a huge passion for him, and he is always checking his customers websites to ensure they are all working correctly.

      Gary always goes out of his way to help his customers, and always goes above and beyond.

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      Hi, my name is Gary Evans and I love nothing more than making websites look and function as they should.

      Will you be my next client?

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