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Fitter Furniture - Latest Website Design

Quillations are always proud when we create a new website design.

We like to shout it from the roof tops!

Come and take a look through Fitter Furnitures’ site, and see how Quillations can help you create your own.

Gary Evans | Quillations Affordable Website Design
Email | info@quillationswebsitedesign.co.uk

The Brief

Fitter Furniture approached Quillations with a simple brief:

Create an online store for their new business.

They wanted a stand-out, simple to navigate website design.

The customer also wanted their own logo added, with a Facebook Icon in the header.

This kind of brief is one which Quillations loves!

It gives us the go-ahead to create a website based on what we think will work for them!  

The Online Store

Fitter Furniture had just set up an Etsy Platform which they wanted to sell their products from.

We discussed the possibility of creating a Woo-Commerce site to showcase their larger products to run parallel to this.

After several meetings, Quillations advised that with their own timescales etc, that using their Etsy Store alone would be the best option for them.

There is a simple PlugIn for WordPress, which allows you to connect an Etsy Store to your site.

This solution helped save money for Fitter Furniture, as it costs a lot more to create a new store from scratch!

Once this was completed, Quillations customised some coding to allow the embedded store to look like part of the website.

Fitter Furnitures' Design

The main design for Fitter Furniture was completed, with the website live as of February 23rd, 2020.

There were still a few things which were in need of work – but this is part of Quillations ongoing services.

Once a website is live, we aim to get all of the technical tweaks etc completed within a 2 week period.

It is easier to have a Live website in order to be able to get a better understanding of it’s functions in the Real World!

We use this time to check website speed, set up Analytics, and run online background checks.

All of this, ensures the website is 100% functional.

Quillations will not stop until it is!

Do You Require A Website Like Fitter Furniture?

If you like the look and feel of Fitter Furnitures’ new website design and require one of your own, then please get in touch.

Quillations will be able to either send you a Bespoke Quotation, or you can choose from one of our website design packages.

We will always point you in the right direction for you.

Are you in need of a Website Designer?

Hi, my name is Gary Evans and I love nothing more than making websites look and function as they should.

Will you be my next client?

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About Gary Evans

Coming from a customer service background, and managing a large magazine account in London, Gary knows how to treat customers right.

Designing website is a huge passion for Gary, and he is always checking his customers websites to ensure they are all working correctly.

Gary always goes out of his way to help his customers, and always goes above and beyond.