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Friars Walk - Latest Website Design

Our latest website design was built for Friars Walk Dental Surgery who are based in Dunstable, Bedfordshire.

Come and take a look through Friars Walk’s site, and see how Quillations can help you create your own.

Gary Evans | Quillations Affordable Website Design
Email | info@quillationswebsitedesign.co.uk

The Brief

Friars Walk originally had a website which was built by Yell.com.

However, they encountered very high Monthly Costs which were not sustainable for them.

Quillations had to rebuild the website on to WordPress, as Yell websites cannot be transferred.

We were to change the pictures, wording, and look of the website so we didn’t break any copyright issues.

Once we had the website rebuilt in WordPress, Quillations were to upload it to Friars Walks’ new hosting company. 

The Design

Quillations found a few issues with the old design created from Yell.

Apart from looking slightly dated, the pages were not all “flowing as one”.

We believe that each page on a website should look and feel the same.

The overall styling and layout should flow from page to page, with only the information changing each time.

It doesn’t seem professional to have pages which are all different styles!

We took the original ideas, and transformed the front page to make it flow easier.

Then, we took this layout and recreated it across the whole website.

By adding a fade-in to different sections, we made the website faster to load. 

Photos and pictures were sourced from copyright free sources, and implemented next to the text.

We also took the original wording of the old website, and re-worded slightly.

By using a Keyword Report we had run for Friars Walk, we then added the SEO across each page. 


The Results

Once the website design was completed, we ran all of our checks.

We found that due to a pop-up which the dentist required due to Covid-19, results were slightly off.

However, once we removed this from our checks, all aspects of the website functioned correctly.

It also showed that the SEO checks, mobile rendering, and images were all up to standard.

Although the speed could be improved, this boils down to the website host which is used.

Quillations improved the website speed, with results showing within our own systems being great.

Control of the website has now been passed over to Friars Walk.

Do You Require A Website Like Friars Walk?

If you like the look and feel of Friars Walk Dental Surgery’s new website and require one of your own, then please get in touch.

Quillations will be able to either send you a Bespoke Quotation, or you can choose from one of our website design packages.

We will always point you in the right direction for you.



Are you in need of a Website Designer?

Hi, my name is Gary Evans and I love nothing more than making websites look and function as they should.

Will you be my next client?

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About Gary Evans

Coming from a customer service background, and managing a large magazine account in London, Gary knows how to treat customers right.

Designing website is a huge passion for Gary, and he is always checking his customers websites to ensure they are all working correctly.

Gary always goes out of his way to help his customers, and always goes above and beyond.