Your Six Simple Steps To Success

In the modern age, it is important to know how to use Google My Business.

But it is also important to know WHAT it is, and how it can help you!

By reading our guide on Google My Business, you will understand why it is a must have, and how to set it up!

Don’t miss out on a free way to help grow your online business profile.

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How To Use Google My Business

What Is Google My Business?

Google My Business is a way to enhancing the online visibility of your small business – and it won’t cost you a single penny to set up and use!

Taking over from the now-closed Google Plus, it allows you to create posts, organise events, and showcase your products.

Once you’ve got it up and running, your My Business profile will show on the Google Page when potential customers search for your business.

It also shows your business on Google Maps if customers search!

Basically, Google My Business acts as a shop window into your company.

It can showcase your opening hours, customer reviews, enticing photos, and any Google Posts you craft.

Think of it as the “social media” for Google searches!

Why Do I Need A GMB Profile?

There are 4 main reasons why you should have an account.

Apart from the fact that Google will like that you are using their product, your customers will also appreciate it!

It is good for:

  • Search Engine Prominence
  • Credibility
  • Customer Insights
  • Free Business Advertising!


Watch our video to find out about Google My Business.

Reason 1: Search Engine Prominence

A Profile will help your company stand out in search results.

When your potential customers search for a business relating to yours (we will use “Hairdressers” as an example), they are shown a list of 3 hairdressers near them.

This list comes from Google My Business profiles (which list you on Google Maps.)

Although there are a lot of factors involved to get in to this top 3 list, once there, it is a great way to drive customers your way.

Reason 2: GMB Gives You Credibility

Having launched GMB  in June 2014, it has grown in to a very credible tool.

There are amazingly quite a few companies who still do not utilise the power of this, but those that do will gain more credibility from their customers.

More and more people are getting use to seeing business information when they search for companies.

If your business does not show this information, it may start to put potential clients off.

Reason 3: Gain Customer Insights

Your Profile will help you gain valuable insights in to your customers.

It will tell you how your customers have found you (via maps or website search), as well as any actions they have taken.

This is useful, because if the majority of your customers are looking at your photos, then you can utilise them to help drive business.

If they are all calling, you can advertise your phone number more.

And if they are visiting your website, then utilise this information.

Each and every insight Google My Business gives, will help you know what to concentrate on more.

Reason 4: GMB Is Free!

Why wouldn’t you want to use a tool which helps your business – especially when it does not cost you a single penny!

The platform will hopefully continue to grow, especially since Google+ was taken down.

A free tool to help grow your business online.

Do I really need to say more?!

How To Set Up Google My Business In 6 Steps

In just 6 simple steps, you can set up your Google My Business page:


  • Open Google My Business and click “start now” at the top right corner.

  • Enter your company / business name, and click “next”.

  • Decide if you want your business to appear on Google Maps, then enter your business address.

  • List your business type.

  • Enter all the contact details you want your customers to see.

  • Finish and Verify.


Your GMB profile will now be set up, and ready to use.

How To Use Google My Business

Once you are set up with your Google My Business Profile, you are ready to start using it to promote your company.

And it is really simple to use GMB.

  • Load your profile by going to Google My Business
  • Once there, you can create posts, add photos, view your insights and manage any reviews you have.

Always use photos
 to help promote what you and your company does.

It is important to make sure your GMB profile is always up to date, and the better the photo, the more chance you have of featuring higher in search results.

It is also highly important to keep posting.

Google My Business has 4 different Post Types you can use.

  • What’s New
  • Event
  • Offer
  • Product

You can also add different Call To Action buttons on these posts.

It is simple to use, and is recommended by Google that you post at least once a week.

All posts will vanish after 7 days, so staying on top of your posts will help you rank higher.


Google My Business is the Free tool you should be using from the start.

Get the information out to your customers, and gain a higher search position than your competitors.

As long as you post regularly, you will not fail to get extra customer visiting your website.

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    About Gary Evans

    Coming from a customer service background, and managing a large magazine account in London, Gary knows how to treat customers right.

    Designing website is a huge passion for him, and he is always checking his customers websites to ensure they are all working correctly.

    Gary always goes out of his way to help his customers, and always goes above and beyond.

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