Improve Your Website During Covid 19 And Beyond

During this Covid-19 pandemic, it is essential to add improvements to your website.

Find out 4 ways you can help grow your sales, and keep your website up to date by reading our latest post below.

By following our improvements, you will help grow your business during this crisis.

And the best part about these tips?

They will work for ANY seasonal occasion!

So read on, and find out how to help your business today…

Gary Evans | Quillations Affordable Website Design
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Why is it important to make sure your website is improved now, rather than later?

With many high street businesses suffering during lockdown, consumers are turning more to the Internet to do their shopping.

Whether this is due to fear of going out, self-isolation, or the simple fact that it is easier to shop online – the facts should not be ignored.

By improving your website now, you are more likely to gain new customers you wouldn’t have had before.

With Christmas just around the corner, and an air of uncertainty as to when things will get back to normal, now is the best time to show customers what you are all about.

Show them you are a Covid friendly business, and that you are ready to help with what they require.

So lets delve into the 5 ways in which you can achieve the best results for your business website now. 

Improvement 1 | Create An FAQ Page

If you do not have an FAQ page already, you could be missing out on potential customers.

People will want to know how your business has reacted to this Covid-19 pandemic, and if it is safe to shop with you.

If you have a physical shop, customers may want to know the following:

  1. How are you ensuring social distancing is adhered to? 
  2. Do you provide customers with face masks, or will they have to bring their own?
  3. Have your hours changed?
  4. Would they need to book an appointment?


These questions and more will help put customers minds at ease, and show that you are thinking of their safety.

If you have an online shop, customers could require the following answers:

  1. Is there a back-log of orders, and will this affect my delivery?
  2. Are your goods disinfected before they are sent out?
  3. Do you have enough staff to answer our queries?
  4. How are your products delivered safely?  


There is no right or wrong when it comes to questions on your FAQ page.

As long as you are accurate and upfront, you should help ease your customers minds.

If you already have an FAQ page, then make sure you improve this by adding some Covid-19 questions and answers. 

Improve With An FAQ Page

Improvement 2 | Improve Your Website By Adding A Blog

A Blog will be a great asset to your business website.

It is a great way of sharing real-time information to your customers.

If you include a sign-up feature on your blog posts, you will also be able to gain valuable email addresses to help push any promotions you may have.

You will be able to post honest accounts of how your business has coped during Covid-19, and include photos to show how you have adapted to the changes.

There is a great blog posts which shows some blogging statistics to show why you should have a blog on your website.

Improvement 3 | Check Your Analytics, And Add New Content

During a “normal year”, your search traffic will largely remain the same.

But things have changed thanks to Covid-19, and by checking your website analytics now, you will see how.

Are your customers finding you through different social networks than before?

Then add new content to these channels.

Or are people avoiding your sales page?

Then start to improve your offerings.

By addressing these issues now, you can improve your website message to make sure people feel safe to purchase from you.

It is important to understand your online customers intentions, and to improve your website accordingly to accommodate their new requirements.

And by adding new content to your website to meet their needs, your customers will feel more appreciated.

This in turn, should lead to more organic traffic based on the keywords people are typing in to the search engines.

Improvement 4 | Update Your Call To Actions

Call To Actions (known as CTAs), are important for a business.

It will help guide people who visit your website to click on that link which will help them purchase what you are selling.

By improving your CTAs now to focus on any promotions or products you may have, you should start to guide people where you want them. 


By following these 4 improvement tips now, you will give your business a fighting chance during uncertain times.

This doesn’t just relate to the Covid-19 pandemic either!

These 4 improvement tips will help during different situations:

  1. Christmas sales
  2. Valentines Day sales


By spending time on these improvements a Month or so before different seasonal sales, your website should continue to grow.

It will show your online customers that you are putting their requirements first.

And by doing this, you should be able to retain your online customers for many years to come!


Consumer habits change with the times.

With more and more people shopping online, it is vital you stay ahead of the competition.

By constantly improving your website during different times, you will be able to achieve this.

Just because your website is working now, does not mean you will be able to keep your current customers.

By improving your website constantly, you will show your customers that you are pro-active in customer satisfaction.

An FAQ Page is a list of frequently asked questions which customers tend to ask.

By adding either a page or a section to your website, you will be able to help your customers user experience.

Find out more about an FAQ page, and see how it will help your website thrive.

A Call To Action (or CTA), is essentially an invitation for your website users to take action.

Whether it is to click on a specific product to purchase, or an email list to sign up for, a CTA guides your customers to where you want them.

Find out more about why a Call To Action button is important for your website, and how to use them effectively.


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About Gary Evans

Coming from a customer service background, and managing a large magazine account in London, Gary knows how to treat customers right.

Designing website is a huge passion for Gary, and he is always checking his customers websites to ensure they are all working correctly.

Gary always goes out of his way to help his customers, and always goes above and beyond.

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